Teile Heimweh

A Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing
exploring the world and its wonders.

  • Age: 25

  • Gender: Female

  • Orientation: Heterosexual

  • Class Preference: Astrologian or Dancer

  • Birthplace: Wineport

  • Residency: Lavender beds

A Wineport Beauty

Throughout her journey, she has discovered many wonders and have met countless adventurers along the way. People often say she's kind of a tease, but her words are always genuine despite their flirtatious nature.

A Wandering Soul

The world is simply too big to travel alone. Teile welcomes any company that wishes to join her travels and is more than curious enough to seek the wonders fellow adventurers might have to share.

Chaotic Lore

A wandering soul can be very curious. Whether its getting into all sorts of trouble or even getting lost along the way, she has more than enough stories to share. Its just no fun to spell it out, ask her and see which story you pull from her.


With so many sights to see, its only natural to dress accordingly.


Sometimes when songs are so sweet you can't help but ask for more.

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